An Artist Friend, Her Flower Sketches Painted during the Pandemic

Sally Yeager Sketch from  August 24, 2020

Sally Yeager Sketch from August 24, 2020

For the past 11 weeks my friend, Sally Yeager, a longtime student and fellow artist, has been visiting on Mondays. We sit on the deck at the 6 foot prescribed distance and paint flowers together. I’ve been working on illustrations for a book so haven’t been able always to join Sally in painting flowers, but we walk the garden together and select what to put in the vase and then sit together and talk and make art. It has been the most peaceful and enjoyable pastime of this very long summer. The hours painting and conversing pass quickly, though some of the other hours of this difficult time have passed much too slowly. I asked Sally to pick out her favorite of the 11 sketches. I am posting several here.

Sally Yeager Sketch from June 22, 2020

Sally Yeager Sketch from June 22, 2020

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